Health & Safety

VW DJ Booth promotional vehicle health & safety

Health and safety – a phrase that rings loud and clear in the world of promotional vehicles. Every vehicle must adhere to health and safety regulations, and each venue enforces its own set of rules for each event. Picture multiple uniquely modified vehicles crammed into an enclosed space – it’s easy to see why understanding these requirements is crucial.

In this article, we’ll cover the primary health and safety requirements you’re likely to encounter, so you can confidently relay them to your promotional vehicle team.

Why Understand Your Health and Safety Requirements?

While comprehending health and safety requirements may seem daunting, it is essential to be aware of them to ensure a smooth campaign. Failing to understand these regulations can lead to non-compliance, resulting in costly last-minute vehicle retrofits, potentially reaching £2000. It may also cause delays in accessing the venue, wasting your investment in a premium spot.

By providing accurate health and safety information to your promotional vehicle supplier, we can design a suitable setup from the start, ensuring a seamless activation.

What Kind of Health and Safety Requirements Do Venues Have?

Venues have various health and safety concerns, including Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS),  gas certificates, fire safety measures, power regulations, and parking stipulations.

– RAMS: RAMS documents identify steps to minimise hazards when performing tasks. Our logistical services take care of completing RAMS, but we need to know the venue’s specific regulations to comply adequately.

– Power: Power regulations vary, so it’s essential to inquire about the allowed forms of power, usage limits, and whether you can use the venue’s supply. Green power options like those on our Supersized Bug (lithium batteries and solar panels) are generally safe, but confirm with the venue.

– Fire: Fire safety is crucial for all venues, and extinguishers should be in date and service-certified. Some venues may require a 0 fire rating, meaning materials should not combust in under 20 minutes.

– Gas: Gas usage may be restricted or banned indoors due to ventilation concerns. Gas cannisters and appliances should have a proper safety record and be stored securely.

– Parking: Even parking is tightly regulated at venues, and a banksman may be required to oversee vehicle positioning.


Health and safety regulations play a vital role in running a safe and successful promotional vehicle campaign. Understanding these requirements ensures compliance, minimises risks, and paves the way for a well-executed activation. By being informed and prepared, you can confidently manage health and safety aspects, making your campaign a resounding success.

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