
Coffee Bar Dry Hire

dry hire coffee bar

We love our yoga, meditation and all things healthy! So joining Brighton Yoga Festival is always a treat.

Dry hire our Bug Bar and transform it into a mobile health cafe, with a range of nutritious smoothies, and organic coffee. Decorate it how ever you like and finish it off with your own branding to make it look like it was made for you.

During the 2 day festival the clients healthy smoothies were a best seller, especially the “Mighty Green” which contains avocado, spinach, mint, apple, and kiwi. The iced coffees also went down a treat. The perfect creamy refreshment after a yoga class.

Dry hire our Bug Bars to create your own coffee bar, mobile cafe, cocktail bar, street food trailer just to name a few.

Brighton Yoga Festival is organised and run by the Brighton Yoga Foundation, which is a registered charity dedicated to making the health and well-being benefits of yoga accessible to all. As well as the festival, it does this throughout the year with yoga trials and online educational resources, and by offering grants to support projects that advance the charity’s aims.

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